Rockwool & Honeycomb Insulation Partition

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  • Rockwool & Honeycomb Insulation Partition

We are ranked among some of the top manufacturers and Traders of Rockwool and honeycomb insulation partition. It is a new type of material it has the general characteristics of the rock, also has good performance of waterproof, heat insulation, thermal insulation, sound absorbing materialand has good chemical stability, even in humid conditions. Our company developed two types of rock wool panels, one is aluminum rock wool panel, and the second one is rock wool honeycomb composite panels.honeycomb core material have certain advantages over panels made of wood and Some of the benefits of these materials are low in weight, it has good moisture properties, fire resistance and also high stiffnessto-weight ratio.

Product features

  • High quality
  • Outstanding light density
  • Non-toxic, chemical stability, long life cycle
  • Good thermal insulation; cold insulation